10 Terrifying Batman: The Animated Series Episodes That Gave You Nightmares

4. Two-Face Part I

Two Face Batman Animated Shocked
Warner Bros.

Harvey Dent had made several appearances in the series before this two-parter. We've seen him as an ally in the good fight with Batman and Commissioner Gordon, so when he turned evil, it was a tragic fall from grace.

Harvey Dent had been hiding a deep dark secret. For years, he'd been masking a split personality, dubbed Big Bad Harv. The most iconic, and chilling, moment for this is when crime boss Rupert Thorne is threatening to blackmail Harvey about his psychological needs. While Thorne lays it all down, the camera sticks on Harvey, as we see his expression become more and more angry until suddenly, he looks calm. With a smile, he says, "You're talking to the wrong Harvey." and then he viciously goes after Thorne and his men.

On the more physical end, Thorne runs off with Dent's psychiatric file with Harvey and Batman in hot pursuit. Batman saves Harvey by knocking a gunman's aim off but a stray bullet hits live wire, which falls into a chemical tank and causes a gigantic explosion under Harvey. Batman goes and is petrified at the grotesque damage done to his friend's face. When the Caped Crusader looks horrified, that's when you know there's something to be worried about.


A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!