10 Things About Game Of Thrones That Make No Sense

8. Gendry’s Record Breaking Speed

White Walker Symbol Game Of Thrones

One of the biggest criticisms of not only season eight of Game of Thrones, but season seven and to some extent season six, is that everything seemed far too rushed. Journeys that would have taken characters several episodes or even the majority of an entire season took far less. Varys even managed to travel from Dragonstone to Westeros and back within a single episode.

One of the greatest aspects of Game of Thrones was its careful and precise build up that made the huge moments like the Red Wedding and the Battle for Castle Black feel earned. This was robbed of the show in later years, and one of the worst instances of rushing through a story happened when Jon and company went north of the Wall.

When the group found themselves in trouble, facing an attack from the surrounding white walkers, Gendry was sent back to the Wall to dispatch a raven to Daenerys on Dragonstone.

Despite the tough terrain and the freezing weather, Gendry managed to reach Davos at the Wall, and send a raven on the incredibly long journey from the north to the Queen on Dragonstone. Daenerys was then able to argue with Tyrion, mount her dragon, fly north of the Wall, and locate Jon, Tormand and co. all before the battle with the walkers was over. This felt like lazy writing and was surely impossible with the great distances involved


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.