10 Things Angel Did Better Than Any Other Show

7. Humour

'Angel' is a very funny show. When it wants to be, which, thankfully, is often. There have been many hilarious moments throughout the show's run, and the humour is prevalent throughout most, if not all, of the episodes. And yet, it never feels out of place. The world they inhabit is filled with numerous characters that are more than capable of witty banter. Cordelia, by herself, is a one-woman quote machine., but everybody holds their own. Each character is given a stand-out comedic moment. Some are given dozens of them. I could make an entirely different list just describing each hilarious occurrence or line of dialogue scattered across the show's 110 episodes. But they're much better when experienced for the first time, without any knowledge of them beforehand. Surprise is one of the most important parts of comedy, and 'Angel' is insanely adept at surprising an audience. In a variety of different ways. Case in point, "Spin The Bottle" is one of the funniest episodes of television ever, but it's six episodes into their darkest season. In other words, nobody watching the previous five episodes of Season 4 could have predicted that they'd be laughing uproariously during the eighth. And yet, that's exactly what happened. Whether it's due to Wesley's hammy slapstick, Cordelia's blunt honesty or Fred's hilarious, perfect moment of self-awareness, there was something for everyone to chuckle at. And that's the magic of Joss Whedon shining through. His characters are almost always self-aware enough to comment on themselves. And in that self-awareness, they're able to find the humour in extraordinary situations and everyday occurrences alike. But it doesn't stop there €“ 'Angel' is able to perfectly execute many different kinds of comedy, even in episodes that aren't always meant to be funny. For example, "Birthday" contains the intro to the fictional sitcom, "Cordy", which is brilliantly satirical. But it also exists in an alternate timeline where Wesley has lost an arm and Angel was driven crazy by the visions. That juxtaposition not only enhances the humour, but it also creates a tone that is inherently unique to 'Angel'. Nobody does it better.
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Ken is the writer/director of 'School Teen Drama': http://vimeo.com/139489. An avid watcher of movies and television, he currently writes a personal blog on his Facebook called 'Prose And Cons' that details his opinions on everything. In list form. He also infrequently hosts a video podcast on his YouTube Channel, SilverAndFriends. HA HA… Why not?