10 Things You Didn't Know About Sarah Michelle Gellar

8. If She Was Bruce Willis, She'd Swear A Lot

Sarah Michelle Gellar has been heard to swear in character in a handful of her movie roles, but who knew the actress - whose image is one of complete sweetness and light - was capable of such a thing in real life?! In a Reddit question and answer session with fans, one asked her the following question:
Sarah, if you awoke tomorrow to discover you were Bruce Willis, what€™s the first thing you would do?
Her reply? Well, it was epic:
Oh my god, that€™s so easy! I would just walk around all day yelling €œYippee-Ki-Yay Motherf**ker!€ easy.
So there you have it - if Sarah Michelle Gellar was Bruce Willis, she'd revel in saying the action star's most iconic and sweary line!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.