With The Walking Dead pretty much guaranteed to draw in millions upon millions of viewers until its grand, inevitably grisly finale, the creators are moving on to overload us with more apocalyptic action in the spinoff, Fear The Walking Dead. Showrunners, directors and writers have been oozing with snippets about the new show, airing it's themes, vague plot details and the approach they're taking to ensure that the series is worthy of baring the famous title. However, it's still unclear as to how the whole series will actually pan out, which of course leaves a lot of blank space for fans to fill in with impressive theories and mad-cap ideas of what might happen. The Walking Dead fanbase is truly mammoth, with countless social media accounts dedicated to the show and their favourite characters, with the one and only Daryl Dixon regarded as some form of demi-god among the cyberspace communities. Fans know what they want from The Walking Dead, and it's expected that they will flood - in their millions - back to AMC for a parallel look at the catastrophe as it grips the west coast of America. So here are 10 of the main things that fans want (and don't want) to see from Fear The Walking Dead.
What Culture contributor. NCTJ accredited Sports Journalist. Regret-filled Sunderland AFC season ticket holder. Optimism-filled NFL fan. Lover of all things Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead & more.