10 Things Netflix’s Ted Bundy Documentary Left Out

3. Who Was Punished For His Two Escapes From Custody

Ted Bundy
Vidor [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

Ted Bundy escaped from police custody twice, and 'Conversations With A Killer' fails to explain what the repercussions on law enforcement were for taking their eyes off the ball.

His first escape bid happened when he jumped from the second-storey window of the Pitkin County Courthouse in Aspen. Ted, who had convinced the law to let him act as his own attorney, said he wanted to do some research in the Courthouse library. When everyone's back was turned, he opened a window and leapt to freedom.

After he was apprehended and placed under arrest again around a week later, Bundy tried something else. He managed to saw open a gap in the ceiling tiles of his Colorado Springs cell and (due to substantial weight loss) squeeze himself through. This let him escape to Florida, where future misdemeanours and murders landed him in trouble again.

The question must be posed though: who was punished for letting one of the most violent, dangerous and clever criminals in history slip out more than once? The doc doesn't tackle this subject at all.

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Ted Bundy
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