10 Things You Should Probably Hate About Friends

9. Ross The Bad Father

Ross is comically unsuited to developing romantic relationships: he is self-absorbed, vain, neurotic and makes foolish, impulsive decisions that could ruin people's lives. Plus, despite his commitment to preserving the sanctity of his job, as soon as he has a sniff of getting laid by Rachel he risks ruining a museum exhibit for his kicks. But none of those things are the worst thing about Ross - who in truth became the most interesting character as the show progressed, and was easily the funniest - because Ross is basically the worst father in the history of television. Yes, he dotes on Emma, and was clearly willing to try and make things work with Rachel for her sake, but he also dropped his son as soon as the new kid came along. Up until the final few seasons, Ben had been a semi-regular returning character, popping up every now and then to reflect the modern family dynamic and to give some suggestion that children actually did exist in this version of New York, but then as it became harder to write different, engaging stories for the character, he was mercilessly cut loose by the writers. His problem, like Ross' ex-wife, Monica's work-mates, all of the characters' parents and Gunther was that he just wasn't all that interesting in the long-term, so Ross basically just forgot he'd ever been born. For someone who was supposed to be sharing custody at least partly, the frequency with which he saw or even mentioned his son was chillingly low.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.