10 Things Sons Of Anarchy Gets Right About Bikers

1. Whites Only

The second season of Sons Of Anarchy centres on the arrival of a group of avowed neo-Nazis who want to make Charming the new home for their totally legitimate businesses (and somewhat less legitimate racism). SAMCRO doesn't take kindly to this new group arriving on their turf, understandably, both because they'll lose their monopoly on doing Bad Things, and because they cannot abide intolerance. Which is pretty rich coming from a group that's basically all-white; the glaring exception is Juice, who had a whole storyline in season four where he is strong-armed into being an informant on the gang, else the feds will reveal his parentage - his dad is black, which would make him illegible to join the club in the first place. So yeah, they don't make a big deal of it, but SAMCRO are super racist. And therefore pretty hypocritical that they have such a problem with Henry Rollins and the Nazi Brigade. And this might be the thing that Sons Of Anarchy gets the most accurate in the show, since outlaw gangs in real life tend to have some pretty strong ties to facist groups and historically don't allow non-white members. Whilst SAMCRO aren't as open in talking about this, actual motorcycle clubs are often outwardly intolerant, with swastika tattoos and the like. The majority of the high profile outlaw bikers - essentially the real-life equivalent of the Sons Of Anarchy - have historically been exclusively white, white and their clubs are typically racially homogeneous. Which is also why, whenever you see a rival gang in the show, they're similarly segregated - the likes of the Mayans are similar to the black gangs and Mexican and other Spanish-speaking gangs who formed in real life. They're getting better at mixing but the number of "white supremacist biker clubs are growing nationwide". So if there's anything that Sons Of Anarchy gets right, it's the racism.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/