10 Things We Learned From Sunderland Til I Die Season 2

5. Caring Isn’t Enough When Running A Club

Sunderland AFC

Almost inevitably given their on-pitch failures Stewart Donald and Charlie Methven have been widely criticised by fans and viewers alike. However, the documentary portrays two people who seem to truly care about both the club and the city.

Football fans are increasingly becoming disenfranchised and disillusioned with the commercialisation of the modern game, and supporters are more than aware of the contempt billionaire owners hold them in. Therefore, it is certainly refreshing to see an owner and a director who really like football and care about the fans. Despite Methven’s red trouser wearing, Brentian tendencies, such as the scene where he picks a new song to be played at the start of games, he seems to be more than aware of what the club means to the city and is overawed by the support week in week out. Both he and Donald kick every ball, and appear genuinely devastated upon falling at the last hurdle in the Playoff Final.

However, a lack of finance and ultimately a lack of nous mean that despite their best intentions Sunderland come up short where it counts.

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