10 Things We Learned From Twin Peaks: The Return Part 14
1. Another Non-Sequitur Scrambling Of The Brains
Part 14 drew to a close with another weird and possibly unconnected Roadhouse vignette. It even started in the middle. "That's because you're hanging out at the nuthouse," argued Emily Stofle's Sophie to Shane Lynch's Megan.
What followed was another disorienting conversation between two unfamiliar faces concerning people we have not physically met. The mystery of 'Billy' - his whereabouts, even his identity - at least connected us to the equally perplexing Audrey Horne subplot. Megan, with mother Tina - she thinks her uncle was there, twice, but she can't remember - was the last person to see him. He was bleeding from the nose and mouth - much like the Drunk in the jail cells, but that could be more doubling. The scene set was full of blood and screaming and sexual tension. And then it ended as abruptly as it began. The only way to experience these asides is in a state of complete bewilderment.
Lissie sang us out - or rather poorly lip-synced us out - of another seminal instalment of The Return. It was an odd choice - a rousing pop rock number in stark contrast to the terrifying and ominous notes on which the citizens of Twin Peaks left us. We left the town in a state of profound confusion.
The more things change...