10 Things We Learned From Twin Peaks: The Return Part 14
4. A Lahverly Scene
Freddie Sykes (Jake Wardle) reappeared with James Hurley, revealed to be a security guard at the Great Northern Hotel.
While his pigeon cockney was initially difficult to decompress for English viewers*, his scene was eventually revealed as a delight. He told James - experiencing a muted birthday on his lonesome, reinforcing with throwaway dialogue the sadness sweeping through the town's kind souls - the origins of his ubiquitous rubber gardening glove in a beautifully-pitched bonding moment. He was swept up into what is suspected to be the White Lodge, via London alley portal by the Fireman, having experienced first literal hand the punching power imbued to him.He was foretold, cryptically, of his role in the events to come. He was to purchase a single glove and travel to Twin Peaks, WA.
*A sterling use of cockney rhyming slang - "Gregory" (Peck/Neck) - stopped short of kicking the chair into full Dick Van Dyke territory.
A parallel was made with Andy Brennan in that Freddie is a baffled soul destined to redeem those around him by virtue of being pure at heart. In a show in which doubles are as ever-present as Freddie's Glove - from characters to inverted frames to thematic echoes - this use of a mundane object to symbolise hope was the joyous contrast to Lynch's trademark imbuing of dread to household items.