10 Things We Learned From Twin Peaks: The Return Part 4
1. Who Drinks Where?
The closing, pre-credits scene sees Gordon Cole and Albert Rosenfield discuss, in secret, their meeting with Mr. C. They correctly surmise that something is off, but Cole acknowledges in a terrific, naked line reading that he has no idea what.
The colour grading in this scene is perfect; almost instantly, the (financially enforced) decision to opt for digital rather than film is justified. The scene is drenched in blue to mirror the nature of the Blue Rose case unfolding in front of them. "It doesn't get any bluer," Cole confirms.
Albert has the closing line. "I know where she drinks," he says, responding to Cole's assertion that there is but one person with the psychic ability - nay, gift - to determine what has inhabited or sprung from Cooper. In a brilliant cut, we reenter the Roadhouse, played out for an agonising fortnight wait by the sombre synths of Au Revoir Simone's 'Lark'. As we saw in Part 3, we don't necessarily need such an exquisite segue to appreciate the new closing credit sequence, but this is an expert use of the new trope. As to who drinks there, it must be Sarah Palmer. That is at least one comprehensible mystery in this utter mindf*ck.
Twin Peaks was a show built on serendipity, in that the villainous BOB literally stumbled into an impromptu role. Lynch had a rule during the original series: the near total absence of blue in its hazy, amber-hued colour palette. Much like The Return's unwitting, inciting "I'll see you again in 25 years" line, this decision has retroactively shaped the impossible success of this phenomenal continuation.