10 Things We Learned From Twin Peaks: The Return Part 9
8. FBI: Law (And Story) Enforcement
The FBI scenes are among the best in The Return because the humour and naturalism is both welcome levity for the supernatural goings on elsewhere and a necessary insertion of humour.
The mystery has been subverted from the original series in that we know far more about the Blue Rose case of Mr. Cooper than those paid to know do. We didn't know who killed Laura Palmer. We do know the fate of Dale Cooper. As such, these catch up scenes have the potential to drag. However, Lynch and Frost have wisely elected to ramp up the comedy in order to traverse old ground via a different route.
Albert Rosenfield is his brilliant sarcastic self here, excusing (nay, justifying) the lengthy two-part premiere info dumped by Dave Macklay with a withering "What happens in season two?" - thus rendering the exposition exquisite more so than extraneous. Much rather a classic Rosenfield zinger than boring old offscreen convergence. Part 8 alone confirms that Lynch and Frost aren't taking us for fools. The divisive exposition here is used to serve the characters far more than it reassures the viewers. Gordon Cole, The Return's ironically loud secret weapon, is also tremendous, eyeing up Diane's cigarette like it's an intern in a low cut blouse. "Whoa!" he cries after finally giving into temptation.
If ever there were an apt visual metaphor the series to which he has returned.