10 Things We Need In Stranger Things 3

8. More Of The Steve/Dustin Dynamic

Stranger Things Dustin Steve Mind Flayer

Watching Steve Harrington go from douchebag, to reluctant Demogorgon slayer, to stand-up guy, to babysitter was one of the most fulfilling character arcs the show has offered. The choice to split him off from Nancy and pair him up with Dustin in season two was an inspired one that really paid off.

The brotherly dynamic between them turned out to be one of the best parts of the season. Seeing Steve have to step up and be a badass babysitter made him a more active character and gave Dustin, Lucas, and Max a more invested role in the central storyline.

Going forward, audiences absolutely need more of this. Steve and Dustin's connection in the finale of season two was wonderfully handled, as Steve helped usher him through adolescence the only way he knew how: with hairspray. So when the show catches back up with these characters, it would be great to see exactly how Steve has continued to nurture and teach Dustin.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.