10 Things We Want From Netflix's Transformers: War For Cybertron

9. Don't Forget The Fan Service

Transformers War For Cybertron

In 1984, the original 4-part miniseries from Marvel Comics (a series so popular it was extended to a total of 80 issues in the US and 332 issues in the UK) introduced us to the titular transforming robots.

This was swiftly followed by the Sunbow animated show and the animated movie, multiple reboots of the cartoons (sometimes with comics to go along with them, and always with its own new toyline), standalone comic series, single continuity video games, novels and toylines without any accompanying media. All of this without mentioning the Bayverse movies, and the cartoons, comics and (frankly, awful) videogames that they spawned.

If there's one thing that most of these media forms have mastered (occasionally the only thing they've mastered) it's paying homage to what has come before, and it would be a shame for the Netflix show to buck this trend. Built for binge-watching and with a wealth of lore across multiple continuities to draw from, it would be ridiculous if they didn't reference what came before somewhere in the show.

Whether someone hums The Touch, Whirl's holomatter avatar shows up in the background, or historical mentions place previous shows in the history of this one, these tiny details for the fans can make all the difference.


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