10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Making Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

9. Charlie Weber Wasn’t Told That Ben And Glory Were The Same Person

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy

In Buffy’s fifth season, a banished goddess called Glory is the primary villain. As well as taking on the Scooby Gang, Glory also has to battle against Ben, a human vessel who acts as a prison against her will.

It’s a strange plot point (and not really necessary in the grand scheme of things), but it’s still a nice twist that no one saw coming, including Charlie Weber, the actor who plays Ben. Though he knew his character was connected to Glory in some way, he had no idea they were the same person. He didn’t discover the truth until he read the script for Episode 13. In this episode, Ben confronts Dawn in the Sunnydale Memorial before he unwittingly transforms into Glory.

Keeping the actor in the dark was a smart move by the writers. Weber’s ignorance meant that his performance couldn’t possibly give anything away, which made the plot twist even more surprising.


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