10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Making Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer

7. David Boreanaz Was Cast After Someone Saw Him Walking His Dog

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy

Casting directors have a lot of pressure on their shoulders. If they don’t pick the right people, well-written characters can fall flat.

When it comes to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the casting was pretty much perfect, and David Boreanaz is a great example. He nailed both sides of his character’s twin personality, capturing the nobility of Angel and the villainy of Angelus.

But finding the right person to play this character was a big challenge for casting director Marcia Shulam. She was looking for a gorgeous and mysterious man to play Buffy’s love interest, and – at least to begin with – she couldn’t find the right guy.

Luckily, one of Shulam’s friends saw Boreanaz walking his dog on the streets of Los Angeles and contacted the casting director immediately. And from the second she laid eyes on him, Shulam knew she’d found her Angel.

This powerful first impression proved to be spot on. As well as embodying one of the most iconic characters in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Boreanaz was also given his own spinoff show.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.