10 Things You Didn't Know About Bart Simpson

9. During The Simpsons€™ Heyday, He Was Considered A Bad Role Model

During The Simpsons' twilight years when the show could do no wrong and Bartmania was actually a thing, Bart was presented as a rebellious kid who loved to stir up trouble but somehow managed to escape punishment most of the time. Shocked at the way at how this yellow-skinned cartoon character was depicted, some parent groups and conservative spokespeople decided to stir up some trouble themselves by declaring Bart a poor role model for children. The issue of Bart being a bad role model was sort of like the 90's argument equivalent of 'video games teaches kids to be violent'. In fact, George H. W. Bush even criticised the The Simpsons in one of his speeches, which triggered somewhat of a feud between the Simpsons writers and the Bushes. Of course this all amounted to nothing as Bart had more than enough supporters and the Simpsons writers got one up on Bush by having putting him in the memorable "Two Bad Neighbours" episode. Even Bill Cosby criticised Bart as a bad role model, although Cosby's comments have since become a case of the pot calling the kettle black ever after his own unsavoury antics were unearthed.
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The Simpsons
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