10 Things You Didn't Know About How Star Trek Got Started

3. The Star Trek Theme Music Had Lyrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=hdjL8WXjlGI Alexander Courage's "Theme from Star Trek" became one of the most recognizable tunes in television history. But most viewers don't know that the song had lyrics, penned by Gene Roddenberry. In fact, even Courage didn't know at first. Turns out Roddenberry wrote words for the song, not intending to ever use them on the air, because it allowed him to earn 50 percent of the royalties. Courage was reportedly enraged, calling Roddenberry "unethical," but he never filed a lawsuit. We, the viewers, are the winners, because we weren't subjected to Roddenberry's wretchedly bad poetry. How bad? Here are the opening lines of the song: Beyond the rim of the star-light My love is wandering in star-flight I know he'll find in star-clustered reaches Love, strange love a star woman teaches... You get the idea.


Debbie Gilbert is an award-winning journalist who's been writing for magazines and newspapers since 1988. A Memphis native who grew up near Graceland, she became a Star Trek fan in 1975.