10 Times Doctor Who Reused Footage And Hoped You Wouldn't Notice

6. TARDIS In Flight

Doctor Who reused footage Rose Tyler The Poison Sky Midnight
BBC Studios

We’ve seen the TARDIS in space countless times over the years. But with CGI budgets as tight as they are, it’s not always possible to commission a new shot, and the team sometimes opt to reuse an old one.

One lesser-known example can be found in the first RTD era.

Early on in The Stolen Earth, when the Doctor takes Donna to the Shadow Proclamation, we see a shot of the TARDIS in flight (above right) – a shot which originally appeared in The Parting of the Ways, when the TARDIS was attacked by Dalek missiles (above left).

Much more notorious are the sequences of the TARDIS entering and exiting House’s bubble universe in The Doctor’s Wife (below left), which reappeared countless times in Moffat era trailers. It even turned up again in Series 10's The Pilot (below right).

Doctor Who The Doctor's Wife/The Pilot reused TARDIS shot
BBC Studios

In both cases though, the shots are generic enough to be repurposed without anyone really batting an eyelid. And as mentioned, CGI renders are expensive. So we’ll forgive the team for reusing the odd one here and there!

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