10 Times Happy! Went Too Far

4. Pop Goes The Nun

Happy Nun

Season two, for lack of a better word, starts off with a bang! We open with a group of nuns, praying to a higher power and hugging each other as if they’re never going to see each other again.

Then, without warning, they start running and screaming like lunatics down the street, destroying public property and disturbing the peace. Eventually, it’s revealed that there are bombs strapped to each of them, armed and ready to go. They’re trying to find a kill switch.

When two nuns come across a trash can with the device, they violently beat each other to claim it as their own. One young lady eventually claims it and when she hits the button, she horrifyingly watches on as her fellow sister a blown up one at a time. When the title card, Happy! finally popped up, you’re reminded on just how downright unpleasant and bizarre this show can be.

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A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.