10 Times Star Trek Appeared In Other TV Shows

8. Family Guy

The Big Bang Theory Star Trek

The Family Guy team are clearly also huge Trek fans, as evidenced by the dozens of episodes which have made even a mere passing crack about the show.

Though there are a lot of good ones - such as the entire cast of The Next Generation playing themselves in season seven's "Not All Dogs Go to Heaven" - easily the single most iconic Trek reference in Seth MacFarlane's irreverent animation has to be its outrageous portrayal of William Shatner.

Season one's "I Never Met the Dead Man" features a number of cutaways depicting an hilariously exaggerated version of Shatner's performance as Kirk, characterised here by idiosyncratic, nonsensical line delivery and excessive gesticulations.

As luck would have it, Shatner then knocks on Peter's door after getting a flat tire, and the two go to an Oktoberfest-style event together. At episode's end, however, Meg accidentally hits Shatner with the car and kills him.

"Shatner's" physically implausible movements and disjointed line readings - as impersonated by MacFarlane - just might be the single greatest pop-culture reference in all of Family Guy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.