10 Times Star Trek Broke The Fourth Wall

6. The Last Word - Journey To Babel (The Original Series: Season 2, Episode 15)

patrick stewart next generation
CBS Media Ventures

A far cry from the more self serious and contemplative shows that would follow it, The Original Series was a great example of inherent 60s corniness. With shoddy special effects and unnecessarily sexy costumes it was one of many authentic, if occasionally problematic, relics of the time.

Part of this kitschy charm came from the sort of quips often employed by Kirk and his crew, both to each other, supporting characters and, on at least one occasion, the audience itself. Journey To Babel marks the first appearance of Spock’s father Sarek, a character who would go on to appear in The Next Generation and form a pivotal part of the recent Discovery.

During a diplomatic conference on the planet Babel, Sarek is accused of murder, but the investigation is derailed as he succumbs to a heart defect requiring emergency surgery. Whilst McCoy has him on the table, Kirk is stabbed by the real culprit but, following a tense battle with a rogue starship, justice is served. With all the loose ends tied up, Sarek’s surgery is a success, and Kirk can finally relax/collapse from his stab wound.

Following an episode rife with emergency surgery, political intrigue, murder, assault and suicide, McCoy takes this opportunity to order his Captain to lie still and be quiet, gleefully looking at the camera and enjoying getting the last word. Real smooth Bones, real smooth.


Hampshire based Writer who spends his time rewatching Deep Space Nine, trying to be an actor and voraciously consuming every Metal album he can find. Final Fantasy IX is the greatest game of all time and this is the hill I will die on.