10 Times Star Trek Foretold The Apocalypse

7. Romulan Robot Ragnarök

Star Trek Pike Apocalypse
CBS Media Ventures

When they're not busy scheming, the Romulans like nothing more than recounting their own stories of the apocalypse by the fireside, it seems. Put down the marshmallows for the gruesome myth of Ganmadan — the 'Day of Annihilation'!

Thought to precede the Romulans' exile from Vulcan several centuries ago, the tale of Ganmadan tells of demon twin sisters Seb-Natan and Seb-Cheneb. After the death of Seb-Natan, Seb-Cheneb will summon the ch'khalagu — "very bad demons" — by blowing a blast on the horn of the "great pale hell beast called Ganmadan". A "Thousand Days of Pain" will ensue in which "the streets will be slick with the entrails of half-devoured corpses". Lovely! Thanks, Narek!

Then came another kind of myth — that all robots are evil. (Saying that, have you ever pissed off a Furby?) The 'Admonition' on planet Aia, meant as a message for synthetics, was instead a horrifying vision of robotic hell for the Romulan cabal who witnessed it. It is a little unclear, but Ganmadan and Admonition were apparently then woven together, and the Zhat Vash made it their mission thereafter to eliminate all synths everywhere including some very crucial ones on Mars.

They weren't totally unfounded in their apocalyptic fears, however, as within the Admonition was a way to summon the 'alliance of synthetic life'. Those giant robot tentacles did look none too friendly!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.