10 Times Star Trek: The Next Generation Went "Dark & Gritty"

9. Ethics

Star Trek The Next Generation Symbiosis

Ethics begins with Worf working in a hanger-bay when a large barrel falls on him. The accident paralyzes Worf. Living up to its name, Ethics raises some deep moral questions.

The main plot focuses on a conflict between Dr. Crusher and a new character Dr. Russell. They argue over a risky, untested treatment for Worf’s injury. That part is pretty black and white. What’s much more interesting is the episode’s B plot.

Worf doesn’t handle his injuries well. Who would right? The thing is, Worf decides that his only course of action is to commit ritual suicide. What’s more, he asks Commander Riker to help him in his attempt to end his life. Riker is naturally repulsed by the request and refuses.

This episode poses serious questions to the audience. Does Worf have a right to die? And how do we balance Worf’s cultural norms with what we, the audience, believe is wrong? Or, do we even believe he’s wrong? It’s some pretty heavy stuff, and the show doesn't take a strong stance leaving us, the viewers, make a judgment.

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at artofnarrative.com