10 Times The Simpsons Blew It

2. That 90's Show

If it weren't for our next entry, this would absolutely be the biggest time The Simpsons blew it. In a cartoon, continuity doesn't mean all that much, but there are times when The Simpsons has stuck to it. Barney sobered up for quite a while. Sideshow Bob was imprisoned (over and over). Apu got married. And Homer and Marge got together in the 70s. Time doesn't really matter on The Simpsons, but for years, the show stuck to this timeframe. It worked. In "The Way We Was" (season two) and "The Way We Weren't" (season fifteen) the show went with it, delivering classic episodes about the Homer and Marge in the past - and that's a pretty solid time span. Then along came "That 90s Show" in season nineteen, where The Simpsons took on the 90s, with Homer playing in a Nirvana-esque alternative rock band, Sadgasm. The episode has Marge in University and her and Homer's romance taking place in the 90s, completely ret-conning their relationship (and not in a good way). In short, it sucked. As nostalgic as many of us, old and young (you can find more teens with Nirvana shirts on these days than you could at any point since Kurt Cobain's death) are for the 90s, we don't need The Simpsons to retcon their history. Thankfully the show later returned to the old timeframe.
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The Simpsons
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.