10 Times The Simpsons Broke Its Own Rules

8. The Old Simpson Farm

The Simpsons
Fox/20th Century Fox Television

Homer Simpson and his father, Abraham "Grampa" Simpson, have made many mistakes together over the years, but one of their most dangerous was when they accidentally burnt down the old Simpson family farm in Season 6.

In completely separate moments of idiocy, the Simpson men both start large fires after returning to the building where Homer spent most of his childhood. They manage to escape unscathed, by the farmhouse is completely destroyed by the flames.

Except, five seasons later, it's completely untouched.

In E-I-E-I-D'oh, whilst on the run from a man Homer challenged to a duel, the Simpsons hide out in the farmhouse and start growing the hybrid plant, tomacco. Not only has the house miraculous un-arsoned itself, but it's actually in a better condition than Homer and Grampa found it in.

Not by much, mind you, but there is still a working tractor and the property is habitable.

The issue with this rural resurrection is that the farmhouse is key to the plots of both Grampa vs Sexual Inadequacy and E-I-E-I-D'oh. In the former, its destruction symbolises both Homer and Grampa moving on from the past. In the latter, it is the setting for most of the action.

You can't have both, guys!

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The Simpsons
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.