10 Times We Saw Behind Batman's Mask In The DCAU

4. This Little Piggy

Not many DCAU episodes were written to be purely humourous, but they hit it out of the park with 'This Little Piggy.'

While on a stakeout where Wonder Woman openly pines for a date with Bruce, who rejects the Amazonian princess outright, Diana is turned into a pig by an ancient enemy of her mother's, Circe.

What follows is a glorious half hour of Batman and Zatanna parading around the world (and even into hell) to find the means to return Diana to normal, featuring some of the best laugh-out loud jokes of any animated superhero show. The depths of Bruce's affection for Diana become apparent as he admits to Zatanna that there may have been 'something' between them.

After tracking Circe to Mykonos, and engaging in what seems to be a hopeless battle, Batman stops the fight. He tells Circe he's learned that magic always comes at a price; what is the price to restore Diana? Circe's price is for Bruce to reveal a deep secret. What seems a sure setup for Bruce revealing his identity turns into the incredible realization that Batman is a hell of a singer, as he belts out the old standard 'Am I Blue?'

He wins Diana's freedom, leading to a great closing scene where Diana hums the song back at him, revealing she knows what he did, and garnering one of the few smiles we ever see cross Bruce's face when he's in costume.

One of JLU's best.


Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.