10 TV Character Deaths Fans Still Aren't Over

9. Allison Argent - Teen Wolf

Lexa The 100

During the second half of Teen Wolf's masterful third season, most of fans' worries were focussed on Stiles, who had been possessed by an evil spirit called the Nogistune.

In the penultimate episode of the season, though, focus shifted to Allison, who joined Scott, Stiles, Isaac and Kira for a daring mission to save a kidnapped Lydia from the Nogistune and its new followers, the Oni.

As Scott and Stiles raced to save Lydia, Allison and the others fought the Oni with all they had, only for Allison to be blindsided and mortally wounded by one of her opponents. Unable to save her, Scott held her as she passed away.

Allison's death was a cruel, out-of-the-blue twist that changed the fabric of the show for years to come. What makes her demise extra harsh is the fact that she's almost the only character on Teen Wolf who died and was never revived in some way down the line.

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i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other