10 TV Characters Killed Right In Their Prime

1. Rita - Dexter

Homeland Damien Lewis

Many fans point to one moment as the steep decline of the show about your friendly neighbourhood serial killer, Dexter, and that moment is the death of his wife, Rita. Coming out of seemingly nowhere at the end of the show's unparalleled season four, Rita's death shocked fans to the core.

Serving as a secondary character for much of the show's early run, Rita soon began to develop with increased screen time and, as such, became a perfect antithesis to Dexter's double life. An honest and caring character who grounded Dexter in his most vulnerable or distressing moment, Rita was not only a brilliant character in her own right but one who Dexter seemingly needed.

An early end certainly did not seem to be on the cards for a character getting stronger and stronger with each passing season but, alas, that is what became of Rita. The image of Dexter cradling his young child in a bathroom covered in his wife's blood is one which will stick with audiences as vividly as Rita could have given the opportunity.

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