10 TV Characters Killed Right In Their Prime

4. Tony Blundetto - The Sopranos

Homeland Damien Lewis

Steve Buscemi is one of the most distinct and distinguished actors working today; so it would stand to reason that any show, even one as consistently brilliant as The Sopranos, would miss someone of his ilk after he's gone. But especially when his character also happens to be one the highlights of the season he features in.

As Tony Soprano's cousin, Tony Blundetto, Buscemi proved to be an endearing and wildly likeable presence that only added to the show's already well-established brilliance. His volatile nature of course always made him a prime contender for an early exit from the show, but it still felt like he was taken away too soon.

We were only really learning about Tony when he was mercifully killed by his mob-boss cousin and we were all undoubtedly remiss not to have seen more of him. The Sopranos is a show with many memorable deaths throughout its run, and many that seem to come out of nowhere, but it certainly felt we were only at the beginning of Tony's story when that bullet struck.

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