10 TV Characters NOBODY Expected To Die

7. Laverne Roberts - Scrubs

How I Met Your Mother Tracy

For a show that dabbled so much in death, it's pretty surprising that Scrubs' large cast of recurring characters were pretty much untouchable - that is, until mid-way through the show's sixth season.

Outspoken nurse Laverne Roberts (Aloma Wright), who appeared in more than 80 episodes throughout the first six seasons, is left in a coma following a car accident in the episode "My Long Goodbye," ultimately succumbing to her injuries and passing away.

Of all the many emotional death scenes throughout the series, this one hit especially hard because it involved a character who'd been with the audience since the beginning.

Apparently Scrubs creator Bill Lawrence only killed Laverne off because he believed season six to be the show's last, but upon it being unexpectedly renewed, he hilariously decided to give Aloma Wright another role as compensation - another nurse by the name of Shirley Richards.

Such launched a running gag where only J.D. (Zach Braff) noticed Shirley's resemblance to Laverne, even giving her the nickname "Laverneagain."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.