10 TV Characters Nobody Expected To Survive

1. Pastor Tim - The Americans

mandy 24

Sometimes you just feel like a character is marked for death the moment you first see them, and that's most certainly the case with The Americans' Pastor Tim (Kelly AuCoin).

Tim quickly becomes a real problem for undercover KGB agents Elizabeth (Keri Russell) and Philip (Matthew Rhys) Jennings through his interactions with their daughter Paige (Holly Taylor).

Paige eventually tells Tim that her parents are Russian spies, an act which seems to guarantee Tim's impending demise, enough that Elizabeth and Philip indeed plot to kill him once they know what he knows.

Though they ultimately don't go through with it, it still seems like just a matter of time before this well-meaning man ends up on a morgue slab, especially once he passes Paige's confession on to his wife, Alice.

All this, combined with a large quotient of the show's fans absolutely loathing Tim for much of the show's run, and it's genuinely shocking that he survived all the way to the conclusion.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.