10 TV Characters Nobody Expected To Survive

4. Mandy - 24

mandy 24

24's Mandy (Mia Kirshner) stands as one of the series' very few major villains to actually remain alive by the end of the show's nine-season run.

Mandy was first introduced in 24's pilot episode, where she blew up a passenger jet as part of a plot to assassinate Senator David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert).

Mandy disappeared a few episodes later, only to shockingly re-emerge in the season two finale, where she administered a nerve agent to now-President Palmer as part of a second assassination attempt.

Mandy wasn't seen again until the very end of season four, where she was revealed to be part of a plot to kidnap Secretary of Defense James Heller (William Devane).

With Mandy taking fan favourite Tony Almeida (Carlos Bernard) hostage in her attempt to escape, it seemed like a dead-certain opportunity for Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland) to finally take her down for all the trouble she's caused.

But alas, Mandy was instead captured alive and eventually granted immunity for co-operating with CTU, after which she basically disappeared off the face of the Earth.

It's genuinely surprising that a character fans loved to hate so much wasn't cut down by Bauer, but if a tenth season does indeed ever come to fruition, fans would love to see Mandy finally get the bullet Bauer's had her name on for so many years.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.