10 TV Characters Who Broke Their Own Rules
Codes of conduct don't always last forever.

They say that rules are made to be broken. Although this seems to be little more than a flimsy excuse to not play fair, employed by the rule breakers themselves, it would seem that a number of TV characters have taken this to heart over the years.
Now, we're not talking about breaking laws here, per se. Instead, we're talking about characters who have gone out of their way to impose certain rules and restrictions upon themselves, only to then break them. There's nothing quite like a good contradiction.
Some of these rules were put in place out of principal or ethical reasons, some for protection, while others even in the name of friendship or religion. And though some have crossed over with the simplest of laws to follow, they weren't done so out of fear of any kind of judicial repercussions, but out of their own benefit.
While there are a number of different reasons for the rules being implemented in the first place, similarly there are a plethora of reasons for them being broken. These range from greed, extenuating and unexpected circumstances, and sheer hot-headedness, to the show's writers just apparently forgetting that such restrictions ever existed in the first place.
10. Rick Used Time Travel - Rick & Morty

Fans of Rick and Morty quickly found out that the former is a man of some very strong principles. He doesn't believe in school or the education system, he believes that he is the smartest man in the universe, and he has a distinct hatred for time travel.
Ricky has said that he doesn't respect time travel, because if Ant-Man and the Wasp can do it, then he's not interested. However, in spite of such a claim, and the creators of the show holding similar reservations, Rick has in fact travelled time.
In the very first episode, no less, on the very first adventure of the series, Morty breaks his legs after a horrific fall. Rick uses his portal gun to go to a future dimension where they have a cure. Rule broken, immediately.
Then there is season four's Rattlestar Ricklactica, where the titular heroes are forced to keep travelling back in time to interact with previous versions of themselves while trying to set right a crumbling serpent society, including the cliched one last trip back to tie everything up at the end. Maybe Rick isn't quite as principled as he likes to think.