10 TV Characters Who Died Too Early

3. Lexa - The 100

Lexa The 100
The CW

The 100's steely warrior Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey) became an instant fan favourite character after she was introduced mid-way through the show's second season.

Especially note-worthy was the support the character received from the LGBTQ+ community, as Lexa's relationship with Clarke Griffin (Eliza Taylor) received considerable acclaim for both its complexity and emotional authenticity.

But things turned sour mid-way through season three when Lexa got unceremoniously killed off, mere moments after having sex with Clarke for the first time, no less.

Many fans cried foul that this was another tiresome example of the well-worn "bury your gays" trope, which so often dictates that gay characters are destined to die or otherwise suffer a tragic fate.

The show's creator Jason Rothenberg eventually apologised for unknowingly invoking the trope, though added that he would've killed Lexa regardless, albeit without the proximity of her sexual relationship with Clarke.

Given Lexa's popularity, it was clearly a major mistake to kill her off while in the midst of a character arc which audiences were majorly invested in.

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The 100
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.