10 TV Characters Who Were Secretly Terrible People

2. Marie Schrader - Breaking Bad

The Office Jim Halpert

To this day Breaking Bad fuels conversations about the lines of morality and whilst Walter is a pretty reprehensible fellow he’s not the only lawbreaker in his family.

It’s not necessarily a secret that Marie is up to no good, but it’s certainly a storyline that gets lost in the large shadow of Walter White’s descent into the criminal underworld. During the first season, as Walt begins his transformation, Marie also dabbles in breaking the law by shoplifting shoes. When confronted about this, she claims ignorance.

Amusingly, she does this whilst deriding her son-in-law for assumed marijuana usage whilst on the phone to her husband Hank, which goes to show that she’s almost blind to her own wrongdoings.

Ego is a big part of Breaking Bad and, in the end, even Walter admits that he did the things he did because he enjoyed doing them and the rush of power that becoming Heisenberg had given him. This is certainly true of Marie too. Whilst she doesn’t remotely do anything nearly as outright evil as Walt, viewing houses for sale and exuberantly lying about her life to make herself feel good is feeding the ego.

There’s a reason that everything Marie owns is draped in purple, a colour associated with royalty and fine goods: a reach for something that she feels she deserves.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.