10 TV Characters Whose Fates Are Never Resolved

7. Ted Beneke - Breaking Bad

24 Live Another Day Jack

Ted Beneke (Christopher Cousins) is one of Breaking Bad's most memorable supporting characters, a slick businessman who cooks the books to keep his company alive while embarking on an affair with Skyler White (Anna Gunn).

Ted's financial woes become increasingly messy by season four as the IRS begins breathing down his neck, and when he continues to make foolish, irresponsible financial decisions, Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) sends Huell (Lavell Crawford) and Patrick Kuby (Bill Burr) to babysit him while a check to the IRS cleared.

This causes Ted to panic and make a run for it, resulting in him tripping over his own rug and smashing his head on a piece of furniture.

Ted's fate remained up in the air for over a year before it was hilariously revealed at the start of season five that he survived the accident, albeit with possibly life-changing injuries.

Ted promises Skyler he won't say anything about her or Walt's (Bryan Cranston) shady dealings, and that's the last time we ever see him. Whether he fully recovers, ends up in a wheelchair for life, dies of complications or is otherwise killed for what he knows is never confirmed.

Ted's actor Christopher Cousins stated in an interview that he believes Ted lost everything but likely survived, albeit in fear of both Skyler and Walt for his remaining days. It's probably the most realistic outcome, and therefore the easiest to believe.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.