10 TV Characters With The Most Wasted Potential

2. Isaac Lahey - Teen Wolf

Supernatural Charlie Bradbury

Throughout its six-season run, Teen Wolf altered its cast line-up half a dozen times, with an even mix of welcome surprises and shock omissions - and Isaac Lahey's disappearance after the show's third season fits very firmly in the latter category.

Initially an abused young man who tastes power for the first time in his life after being turned into a werewolf, Isaac started life as a circumstantial villain; a foe simply because he liked who had become. But given enough time - that is, given a handful of near-death experiences and a variety of well-meaning new relationships, particularly with brief girlfriend Allison - Isaac's colours soon started to change shade, and it wasn't long before we were watching a conflicted antagonist become a bona fide good guy. 

A great source of comic relief given plenty of time to shine, Isaac seemed in position to become a main character after his exemplary season three arc. But he didn't. Instead, he left never to return or be mentioned again, and though Teen Wolf did just fine without him, his presence (and his potential with it) was sorely missed. 

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.