10 TV Endings Actors Didn't Know Were Going To Happen

1. Tommy Sets Himself On Fire - Happy Valley

The Sopranos Finale

Happy Valley's recently concluded third and final series saw psychopathic criminal Tommy Lee Royce (James Norton) meet his end when he set himself on fire, a twist which was on a strictly need-to-know basis among the cast.

As such Rhys Connah, who plays Tommy's son Ryan Cawood on the show, was given a script which entirely redacted the final episode's ending, leaving him clueless as to how Tommy's inevitable final clash with Catherine (Sarah Lancashire) would go down.

In an interview on Loose Women, Connah said:

"When I was first given the script, the very first draft of episode six, I read some of it. I got to the car crash and everything and then we get to the end, it's all redacted, redacted, redacted... I spoke to James and Sarah, I had an idea what was going on, they sort of told us but I didn't know how it was going to play out at all. I had no clue how it would play out on camera, the series of events so I was able to watch it for the first."

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