10 TV Fates Worse Than Death

8. Heroes - Absorbed By A Black Hole

Ah, Heroes. Everyone's favourite example of a show with a great first season that devolves into unwatchable drivel in Season 2 and beyond. It's a huge shame that later seasons were so affected by the 2007-08 writer's strike, because the series' premise had so much potential, and Season 1 was so promising. That doesn't necessarily mean later seasons don't have a handful of good ideas, buried under the overwrought plotlines and nonsensical character arcs.

Take, for example, Stephen Canfield's Vortex Creation power in Season 3. This superpower grants Stephen the ability to manifest swirling vortices wherever he wants. These vortices act as miniature black holes, sucking in and absorbing anything and everything within range.

It's a fantastic idea for a chaotic and unpredictable superpower, but there's also an element of spine-chilling horror to it. Just where do these black holes lead? Where do the things that are sucked into them go? Another dimension? An endless void? A parallel universe where Heroes stayed good after the first season?

Either way, it's terrifying to think about what would happen if a person got absorbed into one. Even more so when Stephen seals his fate by absorbing himself into his own vortex. What happened to him? Where did he go? Could he ever come back? All unnerving questions that will sadly never be answered.


Patch is a pop culture enthusiast and purveyor of puns. He writes about media in a vague attempt to justify the alarming amount of time he spends consuming it. Nobody's convinced... but nobody's told him that yet. He spends his spare time working on Portal 2: Desolation, an ambitious fan-made sequel to Valve's beloved puzzle games.