10 TV Moments They Didn't Want You To See

9. Matthew Perry Forgets His Line - Friends

911 Green Screen

Ever since Friends hit streaming services, fans have noticed a number of revealing continuity issues due to its new widescreen presentation, given that the show was originally aired in a 4:3 ratio. Despite being shot in widescreen, the directors only ever framed their shots to account for a boxy 4:3 TV presentation.

For Friends' streaming release, though, they simply undid the widescreen crop and called it a day, ensuring that not-so-eagle-eyed fans could notice countless errors which were previously masked out.

Most famously this has included stand-ins for the main cast being visible on the edges of the frame, but in the season two episode "The One Where Old Yeller Dies," it also caught the late, great Matthew Perry forgetting his line.

In one of the episode's early scenes, as Chandler (Perry) and Joey (Matt LeBlanc) talk to Monica (Courteney Cox), we cut to a reaction shot of Monica where Chandler can be seen silently mouthing, "What am I supposed to say?"

On original 4:3 airings, Perry's face would've been cropped out of the frame entirely, obscuring the mistake, but the widescreen remaster brings it back in all its "glory." As for what Perry's line actually was? "Ooh, you almost had it."

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.