10 TV Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

6. Buster's Hand - Arrested Development

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One of the most memorable (and hilarious) moments in all of Arrested Development is the fateful outing where poor Buster (Tony Hale) loses his hand to a "loose seal," in the second season's eleventh episode ("Out on a Limb").

And as perhaps the ultimate proof of the show's incredible penchant for impossibly well thought-out gags and clever foreshadowing, Buster's accident and him subsequently receiving a hook-hand replacement is hinted at in at least six episodes prior to it actually happening.

These gags include young Buster being referred to as Captain Hook, him commenting that a party will be "off the hook," mention of a seal attack on the news, Buster looking at a hand-shaped chair and mentioning how much he misses it, Buster playing a claw machine and getting a seal toy, and in the very episode where the accident happens, Buster is seen sat on a bench with the words "arm off" spelled out next to him.

There are surely more, and though these hints are easily missed by even dedicated fans, they're sure to have you spitting your coffee all over the TV if you do manage to catch them on a rewatch.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.