10 TV Series On Netflix That Need Binge Watching

2. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Power Rangers What? There€™s nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia! 90€™s kids are seriously going to get a kick out of this one as the original 1993 series is available to watch as you take a trip down memory lane! A team of sassy teenagers are enlisted to save Angel Grove from some sinister baddies like evil witch, Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd- so menacing! Who those these humble teenagers had such brilliant ninja like skills and karate kicks? With the Yellow Ranger, Pink Range, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Green Ranger and Black Ranger kicking butt and taking names; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is just really great nostalgia television. With it's exceptionally cheesy one-liners, kids friendly bad guys and mad fighting skills; it makes for a pretty great hangover accompaniment. Be transported back to sitting in you p.j€™s on a Saturday morning, munching on Lucky Charms and arguing with your siblings over which Ranger you were!
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