10 TV Show Episodes You Can No Longer Watch
1. Episode 847 - Sesame Street
Sending you home with one last entirely creepy slice of apparently kid-friendly television, Sesame Street's 1976 attempt to use The Wizard of Oz's terrifying Wicked Witch of the West as a way of teaching children the value of facing their fears went down about as well as you'd have imagined.
Not long after Episode 847, depicting the witch losing her broom and going on a tear through the street, swooped into the nightmares of youngsters the world over, PBS were inundated with mail and calls from parents scolding them for frightening their tykes; some of which now refused to switch back on the show out of fear of Margaret Hamilton once again showing up to spook the life out of them 37 years on from her first Wicked showing.
With this level of fuss being made about the cackling villain's appearance, the banning of the episode became inevitable. And it's still yet to be made officially available on the likes of Hulu or HBO Max, with only those using the footage for research being permitted to take in the chilling content via the American Archive of Public Broadcasting in certain locations.
Simply put, even nearly four decades on, Hamilton hadn't lost an unsettling step...