10 TV Show Episodes You Can No Longer Watch

3. Topless Showgirls - Dance Moms

Unstoppable - Law & Order: SVU Unstoppable Donald Trump

It's not exactly difficult to see why this one has long-since been buried by Lifetime based on the title of the episode alone.

But that still didn't stop the network from running with said "Topless Showgirls" moniker and the content in general when the time came to air the dodgy Season 2 episode back in 2012. And unsurprisingly, the sight of 8-13-year-old girls being taught a showgirls routine whilst wearing bodysuits that made it look as though they were nude on the reality TV show did not go down well with the masses.

On top of changing the episode name to Costume Drama - that's one way of putting it - the showing was pulled from future airings of Dance Moms on Lifetime and ended up not being made available on various digital or streaming service platforms later down the line.

It's also worth noting that, despite eventually backtracking due to the backlash, Lifetime did actually boast about the episode's impressive ratings of 2.7 million viewers not long after its initial airing. Though they likely won't be in too much of rush to talk about the deeply uncomfortable episode nowadays.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...