10 TV Shows Already Cancelled In 2023

3. Inside Job

Inside Job

Iiiiiiiiiiitttttttt'sssssss Netflix again! And they're cancelling another beloved animated series before its time!

Billed as Netflix Animation's first in-house production, Inside Job is set in a world controlled by several secret societies. One such shadowy group, Cognito Inc., is home to our protagonist Reagan Ridley as she attempts to make the world a better place.

Via the means of Illuminati? Sure, good idea.

This cancellation was particularly cruel, as Netflix actually announced that the show would be getting a second season. Then six months later, they went "Psych!" and proclaimed that the show was terminated with no follow-up to come.

Fans of the show were shocked and there were a lot of them. Inside Job was really popular thanks to its innovative story, well-written humour, and stacked voice cast.

A cast that, by the way, included Tisha Campbell, who was also in Uncoupled.

Is she cursed or something?

You can add that question to the long list of Inside Job-related trivia we will never know. Of all the Netflix cancellations so far this year, this one has been amongst the worst received online.

And, believe it or not, we're not done talking about the streamer just yet.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.