10 TV Shows Made With INSANE Restrictions

1. No Nudity, All Violence - Hannibal

Constantine Matt Ryan

More than a decade removed from Hannibal's debut, it remains shocking just how much violence creator Bryan Fuller was allowed to get away with on a network like NBC.

They signed off on the show depicting some nauseatingly brutal violence, yet in one infamous scene it also exposed their and America's wider, peculiar aversion to showing the naked human body.

The first season's fifth episode, "Coquilles," features a grim sequence where a couple have been murdered and their bodies flayed to resemble angels, none of which NBC had any problem with airing.

Their single gripe? That the nude couple's butt cracks were visible, as this was apparently more offensive to advertisers and Middle America than two grotesquely mutilated corpses.

As a result, Fuller was forced to remedy the issue by covering up the butt cracks with - wait for it - more blood. It sounds like a story straight out of The Onion, but it's completely true.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.