10 TV Shows NOBODY Expected To Get Cancelled

1. Mindhunter

Mindhunter Cancelled

Mindhunter is a classic case of a show that was incredibly popular within the niche of true crime lovers, though its passionate online fandom evidently didn't translate to major mainstream success.

In early 2020, several months after season two was released, Mindhunter's third season was put on hold as its showrunner, David Fincher, ventured off to develop other projects, including his film Mank. This also resulted in the main cast members being released from their contracts.

Fans still remained confident that season three would see the light of day, even as years of radio silence passed, but that hope was firmly stamped out in February 2023, when Fincher himself confirmed that Mindhunter had effectively been cancelled.

In prior interviews Fincher had suggested some of the reasons for the show's abrupt conclusion, namely that it "never got the numbers that justified the cost," and his own exhaustion with the time-consuming and mentally taxing nature of overseeing such an intense and meticulous TV series.

It's a damn shame, but considering the near-peerless polish and poise of those two masterful seasons, it's an understandable call on Fincher's part.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.