10 TV Shows NOBODY Expected To Get Cancelled

6. Star Trek: The Next Generation

Mindhunter Cancelled
CBS Media Ventures

There was absolutely no reason to believe that Star Trek: The Next Generation wouldn't be returning for an eighth season, given that even season seven's least-watched episode still pulled in a mighty 11.3 million viewers.

Plus, the ensemble cast were all contracted for an eighth season, so what reason could there possibly be for a cancellation?

Well, Paramount ultimately decided to end TNG after season seven because they wanted to begin making feature films with the cast instead, and felt that continuing TNG simultaneously would place a ceiling on the box office potential of the prospective movies.

The studio was also reportedly concerned about rising cast salaries for season eight, and so opted to develop the film Star Trek Generations instead. 

Paramount's TNG movies ended up being something of a mixed bag financially, though - Generations and First Contact performed well, while Insurrection and Nemesis flopped.

Many fans understandably can't stop fantasising about what season eight might've been, while to others it was ultimately the right time to wrap things up.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.